Today I'd like to show you a product I really liked! I'm talking about Layla Cosmetics' Glitter in Gloss lipglosses.
If you, like me, love glittering, sparkling, shimmering beauty products, I'm sure you'll fall for these babies!!
Review: these lip glosses come in a nice tube and contain 4,5ml of product. The key feature is, as their name suggests, glitters... But I'm not talking about fine glitters, shimmers or sparkling effect...I mean real glitters!! In fact these are glitters with a gloss consistence! This means You won't put a simple clear gloss with glitters on the lips, but a true covering lip gloss with its colored glitters! What's more? These glosses have a really nice scent and stay on the lips a good 4 hours before needing to be reapplied.
Overall: I think this is a very nice and cute product, not only because it's full of real glitters, but also because it's quite covering with a myriad of glitters! I think that if you love glitters you'll love these!
Ciao ragazze!
Oggi vi parlo dei Glitter in Gloss, i lucidalabbra di Layla Cosmetics, che mi hanno davvero catturata!. Se siete come me e amate tutto quello che sbriulluccica e scintilla, li adorerete!
Review: questi gloss sono in un tubetto molto carino e il contenuto è 4,5ml. La loro caratteristica principale, come dice il nome sono i glitter. Ma non glitter fini o sbrilluccichii...Glitter veri e propri! Infatti sono dei glitter trasformati in gloss! Ciò significa che quando li applicherete sulle labbra non avrete un semplice gloss trasparente con glitter, ma un gloss coprente con i glitter! In più hanno una buona tenuta di circa 4 ore. Hanno anche un buonissimo profumo!
Shade 6 (red) |
In generale: credo che siano davvero carini e non avevo mai visto dei gloss come questi, non solo per i glitter ma anche perchè sono coprenti e allo stesso tempo pieni di glitter! Se amate i glitter, li adorerete!
Shade 4 (pink) sorry it's a bit blurred =/ |
As you can see from the swatches, these make the lips sparkling for real! Unfortunately shade 4 seems so sheer, but in reality it isn't!!
Shade 2 (silver) |
That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed this review. Layla is opening the online store in a few months...Are you ready for shopping??? :D

*Disclaimer: products provided by PR's for reviewing consideration, however these are my honest opinions, I wasn't paid by the company.Thanks to Babila from Layla Cosmetics for sending me these products!
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